Statutes of the Association

Declaration of November 2007 - Association

ASSOCIATION for the truth about the murder of SOPHIE TOSCAN DU PLANTIER born BOUNIOL

Article 1 :

It is established between the adherents to these statutes an association governed by the Act of 1 July 1901 and the Decree of 16 August 1901, entitled “Association for the truth about the murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier, born Bouniol”

Article 2 :

The murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier is unpunished since 23 December 1996. The objective of the association is to achieve truth and justice. The association will use all legal means available in France, Ireland, Europe, and internationally, to achieve its objectives. The Association is independent of any political or religious reference..

Article 3 :

The Headquarters is at: 75 Boulevard de Charonne, 75011 Paris (France). It may be transferred by simple decision of the Board of Directors, the ratification by the general assembly will be necessary.

Article 4 :

The Association consists of members up to date with their annual fees. Membership in the association is done on an individual.

Article 5 :

The Board decides on admissions.

Article 6 :

The General Assembly shall fix the amount of annual fees or admission into the Association on a proposal from the Board of Directors.

Article 7 :

The membership is lost in the following cases:

  • resignation
  • radiation is made by the Board of Directors for non-payment of fees or for serious cause, the person concerned shall be invited by letter to appear before the board to provide explanations.

Article 8 :

The resources of the Association include:

  • The contributions of members
  • State and Local Authorities subsidies
  • The product of actions undertaken by the Association
  • Donations in cash or in kind
  • Gifts
  • The expenses incurred by the President, Secretary and any person duly authorized

Payments are authorized by the President or Treasurer.

The assets of the association vouch for the contractual commitments, made in its name or not, without any of its members, including those involved in its administration, be held personally responsible and involve their own property.

Article 9 :

The Association is governed by a Board of Directors composed of at least ten members elected for one year by the General Assembly. The Board members can be elected again.

The Board of Directors chooses among its members by secret ballot, an office composed of:

1 President

1 Vice-President

1 Secretary

1 Treasurer

In case of leave or resignation of one or more members of the Board, these persons shall be replaced during the next General Assembly meeting.

Article 10 :

The Board of Directors meets at least once every six months, convened by the President or at the request of a quarter of its members. Decisions are taken by majority vote. In the event of a tie, the vote of the Chairman shall prevail. Any Council member who, without excuse, fails to attend three consecutive meetings may be deemed to have resigned. No one can be part of the Council if it is not major.

Article 11 :

The ordinary General Assembly includes all members of the association. It convenes every years. The members of the Association shall be convened by the Secretary at least fifteen days before the date fixed. The agenda is indicated on the summons. The President assisted by the officers chairs the meeting and sets the moral situation of the Association. The Treasurer reports on the management and submits the balance sheet to the Assembly for approval.

Article 12 :

If needed or upon request of half or more members, the President may convene an extraordinary general meeting following the formalities prescribed by Article 11.

Article 13 :

Un règlement intérieur peut être établi par le Conseil d’Administration qui le fait approuver par l’assemblée générale. Ce règlement éventuel est destiné à fixer les divers points non prévus par les statuts notamment ceux qui ont trait à l’administration interne de l’association.

Article 14 :

Rules of internal procedure may be established by the Board of Directors, which is approved by the General Assembly. This set of rules regulates various elements not envisaged by the statutes including those related to the internal administration of the Association.
