2020 - today: The Irish « cavalier seul »

Despite Ian Bailey's conviction by the French courts, Ireland refuses to execute the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) issued against him and is relaunching investigations under the gaze of the French and European authorities.


To date, the Irish state has not yet executed the last EAW issued following Ian Bailey's conviction.

Minutes of the General Assembly of the Assoph on December 2, 2019 : Newsletters to member N° 27 on March 31, 2020..

The Sophie Toscan du Plantier case: now an European affair: ASSOPH comments column (unpublished)..

July 2: European Commission report on the framework decision on the execution of the European Arrest Warrant: press release


October 19 : EUROPEAN COMMISSION LAUNCHES SENTENCE PROCEDURE AGAINST IRELAND, for failing to comply with mandatory time limits and the spirit of the European Directive: Ireland has failed to comply with the mandatory time limits for executing an European Arrest Warrant. Ireland has also introduced additional grounds for refusing an European arrest warrant..


April : Preliminary draft of letter to the European Commission expressing the position of ASSOPH

June 15 : Annual General Assembly of the Assoph, thirteenth session.

June 20 : Documentary "MURDER AT THE COTTAGE: THE SEARCH FOR JUSTICE FOR SOPHIE", released by SKY NEWS and directed by Jim Sheridan, winner of the 1994 Golden Bear Award for " In the Name of the Father ".

June 30 : Release of the documentary "SOPHIE: A MURDER IN WEST CORK / / SOPHIE: L'AFFAIRE TOSCAN DU PLANTIER" on Netflix.

The documentary receives a very good audience from its launch. It is estimated that the documentary has been viewed in over 190 countries by at least 20 million viewers.

July 1 : Portrait of Jean-Antoine Bloc-Daudé (1940 - 2021), ASSOPH vice-president, and a report on the General Assembly in Newsletter to member N°29

August 26 : At a press conference in Dublin, French President Emmanuel MACRON and Irish Prime Minister Micheál MARTIN discuss the case:

 « (...) mutual trust will be the keystone in building a Europe of Justice. It is this mutual trust between
our jurisdictions that must lead us to find a way through this criminal case, but also to build a Europe of
Justice, which is the only way to ensure full respect for human rights.

Emmanuel MACRON

Details of this press conference are given in Newsletter to member N°30 dated September 1, 2021..

September 3 Pierre-Louis appeals to Irish television for new testimonies and requests the reactivation of investigations in Ireland in the form of a Cold-Case Review. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EkXPae4GyE )

December 31 : Newslettter to members N°3125 years have passed since Sophie's murder, and the family is still hoping for a significant revival of the Irish investigations.


July 4 In Ireland, the case is back in the headlines with this statement from Taoiseach Micheàl Martin and Minister for Justice Helen McEntee:

" NO stone will be left unturned to bring Sophie Toscan du Plantier’s killer to justice ", agreed the Taoiseach and Justice Minister Helen McEntee today, following a new investigation announced by the Serious Crime Review Team (article by Sean Molony in the Independent).

However, we have learned to refrain from any triumphalism after almost 26 years of waiting, of hopes following the conviction of the wrongdoer in France, and unfortunately, of disappointments in our quest for the truth. Will it finally be obtained as a result of these new developments?

August 15 : Newsletter to member N°32

September 23 : An evening in memory of Sophie was organized by our Irish friends in the town of Schull on September 23, 2022.

Entitled "Remember Me", the evening was dedicated to Sophie and featured a concert, message readings and poems.

The evening had a great impact in Ireland, showing the public's interest in this still unsolved case in that country.

October 31 : Newsletter to member n°33

December 12 : Fifteenth ASSOPH Annual General Meeting


In this frozen time of waiting and absence of results, ASSOPH continues to make itself present, to call upon the authorities, to meet with its lawyers James MacGuill (in Dublin) and Michael O’Kane (in London), with officials from the Garda and the "serious crime review team," assisting them in their investigation. ASSOPH also maintains close relations with its numerous and motivated Irish supporters.

July 13 An Irish deputy, Michael Collins, has called on the Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) Micheál Martin, explicitly asking him to intervene with the Garda to expedite the investigation and bring the murderer, currently living undisturbed and at liberty, to justice in his country. Mr. Martin responds, "…the government cannot intervene with the Garda Síochána in the ongoing cold case review. It would be inappropriate for the government to get involved in a criminal investigation. This is an operational matter for the Garda Síochána, and that must be our position."

August 31 : Newsletters to members n°34

September 10 : Article by John Kierans in the newspaper Irish Examiner, Ian Bailey fights for life after second heart attack in a week

October 3 : Article by Senan Molony in the newspaper The Irish Independent, New witness provides sketch of scratches on Bailey in 1996

October 10 : Article by Senan Molony in the newspaper New technology leads to fresh focus on DNA in du Plantier Case

October 22 : Article by John Kierans in the newspaper The Irish Sun, ON THE MEND Ian Bailey recovering after electric shock treatment on heart – as doctors hail operation success

October 30 Article by John Kierans in the newspaper The Irish Sun, CASE CONFIDENCE : Major killer update in Sophie Toscan du Plantier cold case probe as new justice vow made amid fresh evidence

December 18 : Sixteenth ASSOPH Annual General Meeting

December 23 : Article by Ann Mooney in the newspaper The Irish Sun, EVIDENCE PLAN Fresh hope of Sophie Toscan du Plantier murder breakthrough as cops use Boston Strangler case tactic to help nail killer

Article by Barry Roche in the newspaper Press Release , Ian Bailey challenged to explain how he knew Sophie Toscan du Plantier’s movements before her murder


January 21 2024 : The ASSOPH learns of the death of Ian Bailey. Article by Barry Roche in the newspaper Press Release :
January 22 2024

Veille presse autour de la mort de Ian Bailey.

January 23 : Press Release from the Assoph following the death of Ian Bailey Press Release
