The Case

An exceptional procedure as of 1st July 2008

The exhumation of the body of Sophie Toscan du Plantier was ordered on the 1st July 2008 by the French courts. This is an exceptional procedure. It is the first tangible sign of recovery by France of a stalled investigation in Ireland. Sophie Toscan du Plantier, a French citizen, was brutally murdered in Ireland in December 1996, twelve years after the fact, that crime is still unpunished.

Chronology 2007 – 2008: Birth and first actions of ASSOPH

First public undertaking: Publication of obituary notice in the french newspaper Le Monde, 2007 December 23 issue, The association was created in December 2007 (registration at the prefecture of Paris). See ASSOPH's newsletter n°1.. The first actions of ASSOPH consist in : – de rassembler des informations nombreuses concernant l’historique de l’assassinat et du traitement policier et judiciaire qui a suivi en Irlande et en France. Une synthèse magistrale (103 pages), connue des plus hautes autorités de l’État en France et en Irlande, a été élaborée par Marie-Victoire Louis durant l’hiver 2008 : L’assassinat de Sophie Toscan du Plantier, née Sophie Bouniol : onze ans de manquements et de dénis de justice
